
  • A listing should be owned/partnered by a palkar individual or family. If you are an employee, register only if you get absolute benefits from the company and you will be the point of contact for the people who uses the service/product.

  • Incase you as an organization have non palkar employees, Kindly make sure to connect with the end user as a palkar. Ultimately one must not feel a service is being provided from a non palkar.

  • Make sure that the mentioned contact details is active and belongs to the listing and already available in public.

  • Only the verified listings will be available on the site. The verification will be through phone on your available timings.

  • has all the rights to remove the listing on any violations

  • We are open to any suggestions/changes that will improve the platform.

  • We welcome people to refer listings to get registered to grow as a community.

  • If a listing is already submitted, you can see the status on Registration Status tab and please dont submit duplicate listing.

  • The current registration form only has few fields, we will be getting more details while verifying the listing.

  • A listing can be created by public. This is to anyone who wants to refer a business to palar one. Palkar one will list that as unverified public entry and will verifiy later.

  • To remove or mark spam a public entry, Please contact
  • Copyright © 2022.